Sunday, June 12, 2011

weekends are for eating. when i can theoretically spend 48 consecutive hours contemplating, preparing (purchasing?) and consuming food without that whole work thing getting in the way. two full days of uninterrupted indulgence.

and eat i did. despite the hideous heat and lingering threat of thunderstorms, i managed to fit in lunch at hard times, a picnic in the park, a bbq in arlington, a froyo outing, TWO coffee outings, and multiple bowls of cereal.

my makeshift chili 'salad.' fueling up after a busy morning of ikea shopping and costco wandering. after lifting those family sized cans of beans into and out of my cart, i needed to bulk up, feed the muscles. and nothing says 99 degrees and humidity quite like hot chili.

first stop on my weekend cafe/reading tour of dc-qualia coffee. grabbed my soy chai, my banana bread and my latest read and squeezed myself between two ladies totting imacs. the place had a cozy familiar feel to it, hanging-out-in-a-friend's-living-room vibe. that is, if you happen to be friends with trendy baristas who patronize the arts and accept tips from their closest 15 friends

second stop on the tour, the new peregrin espresso location on 14th. exposed brick + serious coffee drinkers + up and coming neighborhood location = hipster haven. while im no true hipster myself, i do love a boy in plaid and my obscure indie bands. alas, i simply dont have enough vintage ironic tees to ever truly belong.

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