Friday, February 10, 2012

after reading some rave reviews about the latest cupcakery to hit dc, the sweet lobby shot to the top of my sweet tooth list. a yelp addict. as fate would have it, i happened to be in the neighborhood and happened to have some time to kill (...or specifically took an earlier bus so i would have enough time to snatch up some goods before meeting up with zoe...), so naturally i wandered in. i ogled the pastel pastry case for a good 5 minutes (GAH decisions) before choosing a gingerbread cupcake, a caramel macaron and a pb&j macaron (!!!) for desert. they cost me a pretty penny, but hey, we were celebrating! *i passed my comps!

met up with zoe at the oh-so-adorable-and-fashionably-cramped 7th hill pizza, another long standing list locale. we snagged some prime bar stools and gorged ourselves on the RE-diculously delish pizza *i highly recommend the 'potomac ave' pizza. sometimes i think back to my Dark Years with no dairy, and thank my lucky stars i finally discovered lactaid pills. how i ever survived several consecutive years with no pizza, cheese or ice cream is a complete mystery *my pending semester abroad in france my junior year finally incentivized my switch-the thought of spending 6 months in the land of brie and creme fraiche as a lactard inspired me to discover the magic of les pilules

 peregrin espresso for a soy cappuccino nightcap +  halvsies on the sweets. the perfect amount of caffeine, sugar and girl talk.

around closing, the ladies at peregrin announced they were giving their pastries away for free (or throwing them away), inciting a pastry FRENZY among the few stragglers left in the cafe. i elbowed some burly mountain man while bobbing and weaving through the crowd (of 4) to grab this yum bran muffin. i was hoping it would last me until at least tomorrow morning, considering i had JUST had dinner AND dessert....but we both knew that wasnt going to happen. it was goooood, and well worth the uncomfortable fullness.

on my way home from work i spied this finely attired (colonial?!) washingtonian and stalked him through the metro station and up the escalator for a closer look. why more people don't rock the tricorn hate anymore is beyond me.

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