Tuesday, January 17, 2012

so...i'm moving to san francisco? wot WOT??

i seem to have a knack for sliding into these major life decisions, none of that conventional 'definitive resolution' for me. they almost sneak up on me, like theyve been part of the plan along and ive only just remembered.

the Big Move has always been part of the plan, i just never really knew when, or where.  but i told my mom i'm moving back, so i guess its official now. im planning on heading west at some point (late summer?) this year after i graduate *although nothing is definite yet, so who knows what will happen in the next few months...

i had my holy shit! moment walking home today. i dont even know what i was/am feeling....terrified, excited, overwhelmed, relieved, pretty much all around crazy. returning to my hometown, leaving the people ive spent 8 years cultivating friendships with, moving to a different city/apartment, different life. trading one gaping uncertainty (where to go? when to go?) for another equally intimidating uncertainty (what will my new life be like??). yup, i definitely cried on my way home today.