Thursday, August 12, 2010

oh metro. there are no words

on top of dealing with 30+ minute metro delays, i was propositioned by a crazy obese black woman.

stuck somewhere between new york ave and rhode island ave the woman sitting across from me starts to yell 'LADY LADY LADY' to try and grab my attention. when i finally turn to look, her mouth spreads into a wide grin. 'you so seeeeexy, you so beauuuutiful". hhmmmm, flattering, but slightly awkward. "thanks?" i offer up, not really know how else to respond.

not deterred by my overtly uncomfortable reaction, she wages on while i flush progressively darker and darker red. 'Can i kiss you?' UMMM excuse me NO.

having dealt with my fare share of metro crazies, i know its best not to further 'rile the beast' so to speak, so i smiled and simply told her 'no' with an awkward giggle. she stared at me for a good long while, then burst out into a belly laugh, mumbling something under her breathe.

for the next 10 interminable minutes, i focused my eyes on anything and everything BUT her, while she continued to stare at me, her eyes boring into the side of my face. thank GOD she got off at the next stop, shouting out 'bye bye cutie pie' as she exited the train.

i guess this is what i get for switching up my morning commute

song of the moment: home


  1. haha at least in London everyone on the tube tries as hard as possible to completely ignore everyone else.

  2. Ok, my advice, don't continue to sit next to crazy obese lady. Walk away! Then you don't have to sit uncomfortably for the next 10 mins!
