Friday, February 12, 2010

when the goings get tough (read: SNOWY), the tough get eating (read: FAT).

this past week spent victim to the infamous snowpocalypse saw no boundaries. no limits. no food was too fatty, too greasy, too unconscionably unhealthy. i'd like to think im more in tune with nature, preparing to hibernate by building up fat stores for the cold months to come. what's that? we don't need to do that anymore? stores you say? nonsense.

i believe my diet consisted of popcorn, cookies, brownie mix, fried chicken, rice, beef, bagels...i may have just had a heart attack just thinking about it. not to mention the hours spent sitting around, "working from home," watching movies, tv, the snow fall. most of my physical activity consisted of my going to the grocery store to buy MORE food (brownie mix. you know, the essentials).

sigh. healthy eating plan FAIL.

1 comment:

  1. storing fat is an essential part of hibernation. i saw it on discovery channel so it must be true!
