Wednesday, July 7, 2010

the infamous black flats. elusive. coveted. the holy grail.

last weekend, zoe and i braved the heinous heat in search of bubble tea, heading down to georgetown to drool over fabulously expensive clothes. ducking into urban outfitters to stave off heat stroke and bypassing racks of grandma-chic rompers we cant afford, we bee-lined for the shoes. and there they were. sitting atop a pedestal in all their glory. a lone pair of black flats. my size (they NEVER have my size, big footed discrimination!!). call it luck, call it fate, whatever it was the shopping gods must have been smiling on me that day!

now comes the TRUE test: will they pass the first-day-breaking-in-and-not-breaking-my-feet test? heres to hoping...

1 comment:

  1. GAHHH, yeay! Finally. Let's see with the whole outfit.. :-)
