Tuesday, October 30, 2012

wishing everyone on the east coast safe warm and dry thoughts!!
while hunkering down with friends, endless bowls of popcorn and netflix sounds mighty appealing right about now, i'm making due with our sunny and 70s weather over here
*id gladly share some of our sun with you ny/nj if i could!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

reason 183748383 why i love sf. commuter pass
( cough cough wmatayousucksomuch)

Friday, October 26, 2012

i was walking home the other day from work and passed an elderly gentleman on the street wearing a wool hat, sweater, socks and shoes but no pants....or underwear. #castro

i briefly considered snapping a picture, but realized i was a. too chicken b. pretty sure i didnt really want to look at that image again

a few 'PG' sf sights...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

i did it. i finally conquered my fear of looking like a swiss goat herder and decided to try out heidi braids. still deciding whether its a bit...much (what with the blond hair, blue eyes and all) but so far so good

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Bloggin over at ataleofthreecities for a while (permanently? still figuring it out) with the fabulous allie rose and zoe. check us out!

Friday, October 5, 2012

 thursday was sharktober at the cal academy's weekly nightlife series. you better believe i pre-ordered those tickets. you basically get free rein of the museum, plus you can dance. and drink. and there are no kids. ah-mahzing. after a quick stop to gawk at the BABY OSTRICHES and run through the african hall (still semi creepy/awesome!) i bee-lined it to the aquarium (duh). i even won a beer cozy at shark trivia! no more condensation-hands for this girl. 

if you're ever in sf on a thursday, i highly recommend checking out the cal academy. i know i'll be back (...every thursday??)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

out and about with some lovely ladies

finally got around to checking out the coffee truck by work / brewery with watermelon beer! on tap! / crazy mexican tapas in the mission

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

making me happy

warm weather and spending as much time outside as possible / red lips, high buns and freckles coming out / father-daughter finnish lessons / slowly (but surely!) learning to cook