apparently im a chronic night clencher. which can (and has) led to receding gums, exposing the roots to invasive bacteria. causing extreme sensitivity, and eventually your teeth fall out. yeah, its that awesome. at the tender age of 23 i have an 'advanced' case of teeth clench induced receding gum lines, some 4-5 mm on some teeth. remedy? a $475 glorified retainer. a small piece of plastic. $475.
F. M. L.
so now i have to wear this (and REPLACE) contraption for the REST OF MY LIFE. once a clencher, always a clencher. no one is really sure what causes night clenching, theories attribute genetics (thanks a lot family) or stress. seeing as i cant really change my gene pool, and i dont really see the whole school/work/life becoming any less stressful in the foreseeable future, im stuck clenching. now im creeped out of my own mouth and wonky gums. and theres nothing i can do to stop it! i never even knew i was a night clencher!!
to top things off, im scheduled to go back in 2 weeks to pick up my *personalized* night guard, and fork over another $425 for bonds. bonds cover the gap between where my gum should be and where my gum is now with a synthetic, teeth colored lining. 5 teeth, $85 a pop. WITH insurance. sigh.
i know it could be least i caught it now? i just cant seem to shake the feeling that i got majorly shafted. i try and be responsible and make a dentist appointment the second i get insurance, and find out i have an irreversible, uncontrollable, unconscious ridiculous condition.
goodbye new clothes, goodbye weekend trips, hello rice and beans.