as a notorious non-napper, after saturday's talk/roast fest, i was all too happy to relinquish over to the dark side and into my bed. and air conditioning. after a solid hour and a half, i woke, showered the sweat and sunburn off, and got my ass in gear for a night of dancing and awkward greek men in the military. amazing.
after all the excitement, the slightest hint of hang over and one whiff of that humid air sent me straight to a friends house, escaping the heat and any call to activity for a solid 9 hours spend sprawled across her couch. several episodes of house hunters, man v. food and two movies later, and i eventually abandoned my well carved out couch nook and dragged my tired tush back home.
i like to think of it as a well balanced weekend, my saturday action ying to sundays lazy yang.