i finally beat my ongoing case of the lazies and decided to take a yoga class last night, starting off at the 0/1 level (0 for anyone having taken 25 yoga classes or less). about 15 of us crammed into a tiny room, mats overlapping in a forced camaraderie. while i was glad to see several other girls following the instructions for the level 0 "easy" modifications (strength in numbers), i couldnt help but feel slightly discouraged at how much i struggled with the supposedly beginners poses. naturally, i found myself seated between two yoga masters, flawlessly executing the poses while barely breaking a sweat. meanwhile there i am, sweating bullets after 2 breathes in downward facing dog. i think its safe to say i wont be making pilgrimages to any indian ashrams anytime soon...
every single one of my muscles struggled every single second of that 75 minutes class. while i may not have felt like the "rockstar" our instructor kept calling us, i am pretty damn proud of myself for getting up off my tush and doing something good for my body. broken feet, rashes, rare eye afflictions and god knows what else ive suffered have reaped enough havoc on my body. time for some good health!
i'm not sure that yoga is quite right for me, that "thing," that soul centering, mind easing path to rock hard abs and buns of steel. i'm too focused on the fact that im not yoga-zen that i never get yoga-zen. i just dont think my body is meant to BE a cobra. or a cat. or dog. in fact, i'm not really not fit to be any land animal really.
now fish are an entirely different story. about that pool membership....